UEFA, in a statement, said: "Following an investigation conducted by a UEFA Ethics and Disciplinary Inspector regarding the events that led to the 2020/21 UEFA Champions League match between Paris Saint-Germain and Istanbul Basaksehir FK on 8 December 2020 being abandoned, and the subsequent proceedings opened against the match officials Sebastian Constantin Coltescu and Octavian Sovre, the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body (CEDB) has taken the following decision: To suspend Sebastian Constantin Coltescu from carrying out any referee's function until the end of the 2020/21 season, i.e. UEFA Etik ve Disiplin Kurulu, Paris Saint-Germain ile oynanan Şampiyonlar Ligi maçında Başakşehir antrenörü Pierre Webo'ya ırkçı ifadeler kullanan ve büyük bir skandala imza atan Rumen hakem Sebastian Coltescu'ya verdiği cezayı açıkladı. Cazul Sebastian Colţescu a provocat o dispută în întreaga lume legată de definiţia unui act de rasism. UEFA, PSG - Başakşehir maçının 4. hakemi Sebastian Coltescu'nun 30 Haziran 2021'e kadar hakemlikten men edildiğini ve rehabilitasyon kursuna gitmesinin kararlaştırıldığını açıkladı. UEFA has suspended Romanian fourth official, Sebastian Coltescu, until the end of the season. Additionally, UEFA have ordered Coltescu to 'attend an educational programme before 30 June 2021.' The incident had taken place in December during a Champions League match between Paris Saint-Germain and Istanbul Basaksehir FK. Sebastian Coltescu was removed from the FIFA list two weeks before the PSG vs Basaksehir controversy. The incident had taken place in December during a Champions League match between Paris Saint-Germain and Istanbul Basaksehir FK. "In relation to the same match and the red card of Istanbul Basaksehir FK assistant coach, Pierre Achille Webo, which occurred before the incidents which sparked the above sanctions and was therefore not provoked by them, the CEDB has taken the following decision: To suspend Istanbul Basaksehir FK assistant coach, Pierre Achille Webo, for one (1) UEFA competition match in which he would otherwise participate, for unsporting conduct," it read. UEFA Şampiyonlar Ligi H Grubu son maçında Paris Saint-Germain ile karşılaşan Başakşehir’de hakem Coltescu, Başakşehir yardımcı antrenörü Webo'ya ırkçı söylemlerde bulunmuştu. A UEFA inquiry into the racism storm surrounding Paris St-Germain’s Champions League clash with Istanbul Basaksehir back in December has concluded there were no offensive comments made by the match officials on the night.. PSG and Basaksehir players walked off the pitch during their match at the Parc des Princes after Sebastian Coltescu, the fourth official on the night, was accused … The match had to be postponed after PSG and Basaksehir players walked off the pitch in the first half following Demba Ba's allegation that Coltescu had racially abused Basaksehir assistant coach Pierre Webo. UEFA rules confirm Coltescu would be liable to be hit with the same 10-match ban as a player for racism. Paris Saint-Germain has also retweeted Basaksehir's tweet in which the Turkish club shared UEFA's "No to Racism" campaign banner to protest Coltescu. In this video I'm going to be talking about Sebastian Coltescu Referee Racism Case in UEFA Champions League... That was NOT Racism!! UEFA a oferit un verdict dupa incidentele de la Paris din luna decembrie. UEFA, ırkçı söylemler gerekçesiyle tatil edilen PSG-Medipol Başakşehir maçının Rumen hakemlerinden Coltescu ve Sovren'in yargılanacağını duyurdu. The incident had taken place in December during a Champions League match between Paris Saint-Germain and Istanbul Basaksehir […] İŞTE YAPILAN AÇIKLAMA: "Sebastian Constantin Coltescu, 2020/21 sezonu veya 30 Haziran 2021 tarihine kadar hakemlikten men edilmiştir. UEFA ia o decizie surprinzătoare în cazul Colţescu! UEFA Etik ve Disiplin Kurulu, Paris Saint-Germain ile oynanan Şampiyonlar Ligi maçında Başakşehir antrenörü Pierre Webo'ya ırkçı ifadeler kullanan ve büyük bir skandala imza atan Rumen hakem Sebastian Coltescu'ya verdiği cezayı açıkladı. UEFA, Şampiyonlar Ligi’ndeki PSG-Başakşehir maçında, Antrenör Webo’ya ırkçı sözler söylediği belirtilen dördüncü hakem Coltescu’ya sezon sonuna kadar men cezası verdi. He must also attend a UEFA … ... but it’s clear that any decision that UEFA make will be scrutinised beyond belief. The Romanian and assistant referee Octavian Sovre have been banned from officiating any competitive matches until July Sebastian Coltescu has been suspended by UEFA "for inappropriate behaviour" during the Champions League group-stage contest between Paris Saint-Germain and Istanbul Basaksehir. "UEFA also announced a decision regarding Istanbul Basaksehir FK assistant coach, Pierre Achille Webo. for inappropriate behaviour during a UEFA match for which he was appointed. UEFA has suspended Romanian fourth official Sebastian Coltescu until the end of the season after he was involved in a storm of racism allegations during the hot-tempered Champions League game between PSG and Istanbul Basaksehir. Oficialii de la Başakşehir cer suspnedare pe viaţă pentru arbitrul român. This follows Coltescu’s involvement in the sending off of … ", UEFA's statement added: "With this decision, the CEDB has therefore considered that both match officials violated Articles 11(1) DR and 6(1) GTC (obligation to behave in an appropriate manner), but not Article 14 DR (racism and other discriminatory conduct).". The players' decision to walk off the pitch led to … İŞTE YAPILAN AÇIKLAMA: "Sebastian Constantin Coltescu, 2020/21 sezonu veya 30 Haziran 2021 tarihine kadar hakemlikten men edilmiştir. until 30 June 2021, for the violation of Article 11(1) of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations (DR) and Article 6(1) of the General Terms and Conditions for Referees officiating at UEFA Matches (GTC), i.e. UEFA has suspended Romanian fourth official Sebastian Coltescu until the end of the season over his involvement in the sending off of Istanbul Basaksehir … Anunţul care îi îngrozeşte pe turci. 'Further information about this case will be made available once the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body has taken a decision in due course.' Federatia nu a primit pana la aceasta ora nicio informare in acest sens, dar nu este exclus ca UEFA sa ceara CCA retinerea lui Coltescu de la delegari, anunta sursele www.sport.ro.Situatia se va lamuri in cateva zile. ", Also, the decision orders Coltescu to attend an educational programme before June 30, 2021 under the conditions determined by the UEFA refereeing services.For Sovre, UEFA CEDB decided to reprimand him for the violation of Article 11(1) DR and Article 6(1) of the General Terms and Conditions for Referees officiating at UEFA Matches, i.e. Chiar dacă a fost absolvit de acuzaţia de rasism, forul european a decis ca arbitrul român să fie reţinut de la delegări până pe 30 iunie 2021. "Sovre will also have to attend an "educational programme as soon as possible but before June 30, 2021 under the conditions determined by the UEFA refereeing services. Uefa, referee Coltescu suspended: “No racism, but inappropriate use of language” | News Coltescu is banned "from carrying out any referee's function until the end of the 2020/21 season," UEFA said its disciplinary committee decided. Coltescu has … Nyon [Switzerland], March 9 (ANI): UEFA on Tuesday announced that Sebastian Constantin Coltescu has been suspended until the end of the 2020/21 … for "inappropriate behaviour during a UEFA match for which he was appointed. Josep Vandellos, avocatul lui Sebastian Coltescu, a vorbit in cadrul emisiunii Ora Exacta in Sport. UEFA on Tuesday announced that Sebastian Constantin Coltescu has been suspended until the end of the 2020/21 season for "inappropriate behaviour" following an investigation conducted by a UEFA Ethics and Disciplinary Inspector.