To refer to non-permanent possession, one uses the preposition aig, as described above: am faclair aice – her dictionary (lit. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This decision will have a serious consequence. This is the DEFINITE ARTICLE for all FEMININE NOUNS (S 332; GPH p. 41). French Nouns With Irregular Feminine Forms . Tue es creative. becomes sérieuse (fem.) The owner of it will not be notified. 6) Nous sommes intéressants. 1. vote. Are these right? fatigué. Elles sont sérieuses. Un oubli important ? Practice "sportif" with the adjective trainer. The most feminine form of mechanical watchmaking artistry, the Manero Monograph by Carl F. Bucherer is driven by passion, to capture and hold onto exceptional moments in time. Do you ever get annoyed when people say "sure" to your favor? When the masculine-singular form of the origin adjective ends in -o, there are four forms. T-shirt, X-ray: what are these words called? These adjectives have irregular feminine forms. Revise and improve your French with detailed content, examples, audio, personalised practice tests and learning tools Singular to Plural in Arabic: In Arabic to form the plural we use two methods: add a suffix or change the body of the word (to form an irregular plural). 1. Examples of "serious (feminine singular)" in use There are 2 examples of the French word for "serious (feminine singular)" being used: Recording English French Learn; She’s not very serious. Relevance. Of course it's got to be "tu", but I guess it's just a typo. Still have questions? Elle est nouveaux. Tetanus is a serious, often fatal, illness. Tue es creative. So an adjective needs to be either masculine or feminine, like the noun it is describing. The feminine form is usually constructed by adding an -e to the base form. If the masculine singular form ends in a consonant, add ‐ment to the feminine singular form of the adjective: . Example: Félix est un chat blanc. plus … [S] ize:gros(se) (fat); grand(e) (tall); petit(e) (small); long(ue) (long); court(e) (short) E… 3) Tu es créatif. Ils sont fidèlles? Get your answers by asking now. Recall that the definite article in Greek must match its noun in gender, number, and case. Add to Notebook 38 questions. 2 Making adjectives feminine. What can be more specific than Is there a feminine form for "azul?" Félix is thinking about a big container of milk. 4) Ils sont gros. Quand les enfants ont vu l'expression sérieuse d'Helena, ils ont compris qu'ils allaient avoir des problèmes. heureux -> heureuse happy; serieux -> serieuse -> serious; furieux -> furieuse -> furious and then if it is feminine singular or feminine plural it is serieuse? : I checked them on babelfish and they look right but not sure? * sérieux sérieuse sérieuxe. This is a serious meeting that we are having with them. If the adjective, in its basic masculine form, ends in an –s, then the feminine singular is formed by adding an –e. Further reading Beispiel: Félix est un chat blanc. Il a été transféré à l'hôpital pour blessures graves. … crevé, épuisé, éreinté, exténué; Further reading “fatigué” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language). Masculine adjectives that end in consonants. Vous êtes sportive. We add an “x” with few nouns ending with “ou” As expected, the rule applies both in the singular and plural.So the French for creative girls would be des filles créatives: you change the -f to -ve and then add -s for the plural. Ils sont sérieux. 1) Nous sommes mignons. sérieux. 5) Vous êtes sportif. La Manero Monograph de Carl F. Bucherer est mue par la passion de retenir des instants privilégiés. sérieux sportif sérieuse sportive . Created Date: 9/5/2014 3:44:56 PM In French all adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. Similarly, it is asked, what is inteligente? comparatif . Meanings of "feminine form of cher" in French English Dictionary : 1 result(s) Category English French; Common: 1: Common: feminine form of cher: chère [adj] × Pronunciation in context (out of ) Pronunciation of feminine form of cher. Some of them have two different forms (singular and plural) and some of them have four forms (masculine-singular, feminine-singular, masculine-plural and feminine-plural). becomes sérieuse (fem.) 1 decade ago. Semi-abbreviations? -Ma tortue est peureuse aussi. Benjamin Houy is a native French speaker and tea drinker with a BA degree in Applied Foreign Languages and a passion for languages. There are lots of adjectives where the masculine and feminine endings are different, meaning you don’t just add an -e. There are groups of adjectives with similar endings. an additional masculine singular form for use in liaison before a noun beginning with a vowel or a "mute h", e.g. Il est timide. Some masculine singular adjectives form the feminine by doubling the final consonant before the ‐ e ending. If the masculine singular form ends in a consonant, add ‐ment to the feminine singular form of the adjective: . Summary about the plural forms of masculine and feminine nouns: Add “s” after singular nouns that end in an unstressed vowel (a,e,i,o,u) or a stressed “e” (é) to make them plural. You certainly are a lifesave today mona lisa! are equal, but you just mistyped the i), 9) Nous sommes vieilles. -Yes, and a serious cause. The "créative" is correct (with accent, if you have them on your keyboard ;-) ). Ils sont timides. Le tétanos est une maladie grave, souvent mortelle. ? sportif sportifs . [B] eauty:beau, belle (handsome); joli(e) (pretty) 2. French Translation of “serious” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. There is evidence that criteria is following the pattern of other Latin- and Greek-derived nouns that have shown a preference for the plural form in constructions that otherwise would seem to call for the singular (such as a singular article or being a subject paired with a singular … Answer Save. What can one read or learn in order to become more smart? 5) Vous êtes sportif. Type the verb or adjective (conjugated or declined forms are possible). In French, nouns belong to either a masculine or feminine group. Elle est timide. masculin féminin; positif . : I checked them on babelfish and they look right but not sure? 8) Vous êtes amiable. Ask Question + 100. A few adjectives have a fifth form, viz. Elle est timide. See Table 6. Beispiel: Félix pense à une grand e boîte de lait. 3473 Singular of nouns; 3415 Singular of nouns in English – Exercise 1; 3445 Singular of nouns in English – Exercise 2; 3459 Singular of nouns in English – Exercise 3; 3417 Singular or plural in English – Exercise; 3463 Singular or plural in sentences – Exercise; 3467 Special Plural forms in English – Exercise Félix pense à un grand bol de lait. Vous êtes sportive. Words such as "fuerte" (strong) are both masculine and feminine, so you don't have to make a change. 1. As adjectives, these words are variable. My cat is fearful. The masculine singular and plural forms are thus identical: un animal heureux (a happy animal), des animaux heureux (happy animals). So as an adjective, it would remain unchanged when describing a single masculine or feminine noun. Félix ist eine weiße Katze. Still have questions? Unlike English, however, adjectives in French are generally placed after the noun they qualify. Is the plural of serieux written serieux? If the adjective, in its basic masculine form, ends in an –er, then the feminine singular is formed by converting the –e that precedes the –r to an –è and adding an –e to the end of the word. Here are the rules for making the singular forms of these adjectives plural. Still have questions? un chat noir a black cat → une chemise noir e a black shirt; un sac lourd a heavy bag → une valise lourd e a heavy suitcase; If the adjective already ends in an -e in the masculine, you do not add another -e. Nous sommes intéressantes. Those adjectives ending in -e are used with both masculine and feminine nouns. 4) Ils sont gros. La forme féminissime de l'art horloger mécanique. Feminine Singular Verb Forms In Hebrew, verbs have gender and number, and every verb must agree with its subject in gender and number. 2. Elles sont gross. I'm being serious. Are these right? 115 views. Can we have a serious conversation, without you cracking jokes all the time? Some masculine singular adjectives form the feminine by doubling the final consonant before the ‐ e ending. Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. généreusement; Further reading “généreux” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language). and then if it is feminine singular or feminine plural it is serieuse? C'est une situation préoccupante et il la traite en tant que telle. sérieux ? However, the feminine plural form of these adjectives is regular; it is formed by simply adding an s to the feminine singular form: une fille heureuse (a happy girl), des filles heureuses (happy girls). Answer Save. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ Give the feminine plural form of the following sentences: 11. Any ideas. Masculine irregular adjectives fatigué (feminine singular fatiguée, masculine plural fatigués, feminine plural fatiguées) tired; Synonyms . 3. a. Vous êtes amiablle. The good news is that they are not many, and the general rule is “add a “taa’ marbuta” ((ة, ــة to form the feminine from a masculine word, and omit it to form the masculine”. Generally, the feminine adjective is formed by adding an e and the plural adjective is formed by adding s: Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. 0 0. Get your answers by asking now. Using colours to describe singular nouns. If the masculine form of an adjective ends in -f, then the feminine form will change this to -ve. ... goodness, or size. Favorite Answer. 2. 1 Answer. updated Feb 1, 2010. posted by Tengo2amigos. As an adjective, isn't azul neutral since it doesn't end in an "o" or an "a"? Start studying Adjectives for test (Masculine, Feminine, Singular, Plural). In French, adjectives agree in both number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun or pronoun they modify. Ils sont fidèlles? Here’s a useful trick to remember them: BAGS! Discussions sur 'serious' dans le forum English Only, ⓘ Un ou plusieurs fils de discussions du forum correspondent exactement au terme que vous recherchez, approach it in as much a serious as a lighthearted manner, For the first time since we've known each other, I will be serious, FR: although the moral is serious, the film is not, FR: drivers causing death or serious injury, FR: twelve action scenes, including six serious ones, His goal is that a doctoral dissertation undertakes a serious topic and therefore becomes noticed in the scholarly community. (Fidèle is the same in the feminine, but your subject has to be feminine :) ), 8) Vous êtes aimable. Most French nouns become feminine according to regular patterns, but there are a number of irregular nouns, based on the final letter(s) of the masculine singular noun. It's a serious matter. _______________. sérieux (masc.) Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Vous êtes aimable (you spelled it incorrect, i'm guessing just a typo, for adjectives that end in "ble" they stay the same), 9.) 'Criteria' as a Singular Noun. So, for example, cher becomes ch ère, dernier becomes derni ère, fier become fi ère, and léger becomes lég ère. adverbe . brief) – in fact the same word as in English – serves as the basis for the adverb; thus, the adverb is brièvement / briefly from the singular feminine form briève. Exceptions: l'eau, la peau-ée: feminine. Cacciatrice in the feminine and cacciatore in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "hunter".Specifically, the word is a noun in its singular form. Note the accent on créatif and that in French, agressif is spelt with a single g. 5) Vous êtes sportif. feminine form of sérieux Meanings of "feminine form of sérieux" in French English Dictionary : 1 result(s) So the French for creative girls would be des filles créatives: you change the -f to -ve and then add -s for the plural. : The -a ending is the typical Gaulish feminine singular nominative. Favorite Answer. In the case of bref, an archaic form of the adjective (e.g. It's mignonne since in French words ending with -on usually convert to their feminine form as -onne. Nearly all French nouns have different forms for singular and plural. I think it's mignonne. Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: serious adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." 6) Nous sommes intéressants. - in French adjectives can be masculine singular (m.s), feminine singular (f.s), masculine plural (, and feminine plural ( - regular adjectives all follow the same rule - if you look up an adjective in the dictionary you will find the masculine singular form Adjective: bavard (plural, because "nous"). Mon chat est peureux. Synonyms: vraiment ?, sérieusement ?, ah bon ? Nous sommes vieilles (don't forget to put an "s" at the end b/c it is plural), 10.) Adjectives ending in -eux in the masculine form become -euse in the feminine form. 9) Nous sommes vieux. – Copyright 2014 Answer Key 1. claire 2. facile 3. sportive . (masc. How do you tell your boss that you have to leave work? He's happy in Paris, and she's happy in London. 1 Answer. Adjectives ending in -eux become -euse in the feminine form; Aurélie Drouard. Le film intéressant. Let’s look at how … sérieusement; Interjection . for real? The plural of most adjectives is formed by adding s to the singular of the masculine or feminine adjective, as shown in Table 1 (feminine form in parentheses).. An adjective modifying two or more nouns of different genders uses the masculine plural: L'homme et sa … Venktesh S, Middle Ages enthusiast. Elles sont timides A simple explanation of "Beau, nouveau, vieux, fou, mou have two masculine forms and one feminine form". las (Louisiana) dormitique; Hyponyms . Examples: Félix pense à une grand e boîte de lait. The masculine form is the base form of the adjective. (Françoise and Sarah are happy.) sérieux (feminine singular sérieuse, masculine plural sérieux, feminine plural sérieuses) serious; Derived terms . Il est sérieux. Similarly, can Fuerte be feminine? Start studying D'accord 1 Leçon 3A irregular adjectives (new edition). sportive sportives. A suffix (aat ات ) is added to form a plural usual See Table 6. (masculine -> feminine) 1) Nous sommes mignons. Summary about the plural forms of masculine and feminine nouns: Add “s” after singular nouns that end in an unstressed vowel (a,e,i,o,u) or a stressed “e” (é) to make them plural. French Translation of “serious” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. really? DIFFERENT FORMS. The singular form of a term refers to a single item, or a collection of items all of the same kind. Singular. [A] ge:jeune (young); vieux, vielle (old); nouveau, nouvelle (new) 3. The feminine singular a derives from a form ending in final -s, whose only trace is now the prefixation of h-to a following vowel. --intelligente = feminine Adjectives whose masculine form ends in a silent e do not change to make the feminine: --sociable = masculine --sociable = feminine Examples of adjectives that have both masculine and feminine forms are: petit, grand, brun, blond, américain, français, … Vous êtes sportive. For the feminine plural form, we add an “s” to the feminine singular form: Françoise et Sarah sont heureuses.