2 a. back to your bank account, Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC), or both. 12 terms. DTS Travel Documents. Training is MANDATORY and must be renewed every three years. DTS Programs & Policies - Travel Card Program. Some topics included are searching for card accounts, account maintenance, and creating a new user profile. Passport Login Passport Password. OTHER QUIZLET SETS. Created by. The DoD Travel Explorer Home page displays (Figure 2). ZzzzZ1605. Verses. Pages--275 words Check Price. April 22, 2021 Programs & Policies – Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101) [Mandatory] Travel Explorer Federal employees may only use the travel charge card to pay for expenses listed on the travel authorization. DTS Notices. Avacado_Guac. Pages: 1. Travel Information - Coronavirus; How to Disinfect Your Space on an Airplane ; More news. 12 terms. Your page rank: Total word count: 364. Looking for Expert Opinion? Employees … GRE Word Groups. - Submit the completed training certificate with completed card application and Statement of Understanding to the S-1. Government Travel Charge Card Program Root Cause Analysis with Performance Improvement Plan (Report Control Symbol EXEMPT), encl (1) , chap. C1 quiz . Program and Policies Travel Policies 101 Requires split disbursement to the travel card vendor. 12 terms. The travel card vendor receives direct payment for the amount of travel card expenses specified in the travel voucher Split Disbursement DoD, on behalf of the travel card vendor, automatically collects payment from the cardholder's pay for any amount owed as a result of undisputed delinquencies. CLC. Information Paper: Accessing “Travel Card Program” Training . DODIG-2018-101 (Project No. April 15, 2021: 1:45 PM ET - 3:30 PM ET: During this session you will be introduced to the core functionalities related to your role as an APC. This course is open to all DoD APCs. Programs providing commercial travel services. Programs & Policies-Travel Card Program DTS. Test. 54 terms . DoD Reporting of Charge Card Misuse to OMB. Programs & Policies-Travel Card Program DTS. A: The main advantage the travel card provides employees is the convenience of making hotel, airline, and seminar registrations. 147 terms. In addition, your card can be used only for official Agency/ Organization travel and travel-related expenses. The USDA travel card provides … Business Law Chapter 9-13 Test (Test #2) 256 terms. Welcome to Citi ® Commercial Cards! 9 terms. Government Travel Card. westdg11. Q: What advantage does the Travel Card provide employees? Ashley_na3. Department of Defense policy is that the Government Travel Charge Card will be used by all DoD personnel (military or civilian) to pay for all costs related to official government travel. Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03) 12 terms. The delinquent balance excludes any disputed transactions which are still pending. Get a Consultant. DTS (Basic) - DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101) STUDY. The Department of Defense travel program has unique and tailored expense management needs. Write. Select your specific organizational level and then run the report. D2017-D000CL-0045.000) │ i. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Defense Travel Management Office The DOD Center for Travel Excellence. View Government Travel Card.docx from LAW 109 at Navy Medicine Education and Training Command. 12 terms. To use your Common Access Card (CAC) you must have an account. Select Launch This Report. Learn. States that the applicant understands the provisions of the travel card program and proper use of the travel card. Services for Government Agencies. 12 terms. Employees can also use the card for meals while in business travel. The USDA Travel Card program provides travel charge cards to USDA employees through the GSA SmartPay 2 contract. Big4Bound. When you are preparing to use your new card, please read What To Do When I First Receive My New Card.For more information regarding your new card, please read the Department of Defense Cardholder Guide.. Department of Defense Travel Insurance New or Transferring Required Traveler Training: DTS Basic. Gravity. Specifically, we reviewed the DoD’s FYs 2015 and 2016 quarterly statistical travel card reports, … Enter your existing Passport login and Passport password (not your CAC PIN) to associate your CAC with an existing account. PLAY. OTHER … Start studying Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03). Cardholder Guide. Select SEARCH. Travel Card Questions and Answers 1. Navigate to the Training courses by selecting the Training icon. **NOTE: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED TO CITI AND EXISTING OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Research and prepare for government travel. HOW TO APPLY FOR THE GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CHARGE CARD (GTCC) w:\documents\g1\reserve affairs branch\admin procedures\gtcc procedures dtd 22 jul 14.docx MarAdmin 691-13 announced a new policy change to eliminate the issuance of temporary duty (TDY) travel advances. Chris_Jarrett9. Match the travel card policies to their descriptions. Please visit https://smartpay.gsa.gov/ for more information. Flashcards. Match. Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03) 12 terms. Chris_Jarrett9. Deadline. Section 2635.101, “Basic Obligations of Public Service, ... (USDA) to offset your salary for a delinquent government travel card balance in the amount of $ «Amount ». Paper type. Per Diem, Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Passenger Transportation (Airfare rates, POV rates, etc.) Government Travel Card Cardholder Guide; Government Purchase Card Guide; Government Fleet Card Guide; Designated Billing Office (DBO) Guide; Transaction Dispute Office (TDO) Guide; Department of Defense Travel Program Forms & Resources. How you use the travel card will reflect directly upon you as an employee and as an individual. Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03) Which item is a benefit of using the tr… Which statement about an individually b… Which situation will most likely result… Patricia is preparing to go TDY. DTS Programs & Policies - Travel Card Program. It is for your use only. SSG Larsen of the 807th Medical Command gives a training lesson on the use of the GTCC Defense Travel Dispatch Newsletter - Fall 2020 Edition; Defense Travel Enterprise Customer Satisfaction Survey Launches; DoD Dine Smart Traveler Rewards - Enroll Today! Spell. The current SmartPay 2 Government Travel Charge Card contract will expire on November 29th, 2018 and the new SmartPay3 contract will begin on November 30th, 2018. This assessment is comprised of three sections: Section 1 consists of … Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! GTCC Instructions Steps and Training Required March 2020. You will now be assessed on your knowledge of DTS navigation and processes. westdg11. Employees can make arrangements by telephone, mail, fax, or through the Internet. ‘Government Travel Card Training’. BUSA 2106 exam 3 quiz review. Mandates the use of a Government travel card for costs associated with official Government travel. Public Law 107-314. Government Cardholder Benefits Site. Get Now . 1, par. This course is open to all DoD APCs. Avacado_Guac. Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03) Home » Flashcards » Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03) Flashcards. Lodging Conferences/Meetings Travel Charge Card State Tax Exemption. Printed copies may be obsolete. Results in Brief. TRAVEL CARD TRAINING Training: New applications will not be submitted without Training Certificate. As a result, Citi offers a comprehensive range of specific forms … The GTCC training report should be at the top of the search results. DoD Travel News. Authorized Use Your card has been embossed with your name on it. Your government travel card is a tool that assists you in the performance of your duties. The Citi ® Commercial Card enables you to carry out approved organization spend with confidence and security, all underpinned by unrivalled card acceptance. - Launch the Programs & Policies-Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101) course. Statement of Understanding. - Once the course is complete, print a copy of the certificate of completion. You can create a bookmark for this report if you will be using it often. Chris_Jarrett9. If you have a current Travel 101 Certificate – please forward to the appropriate APC YoguiMeister. Our objective was to determine whether the DoD’s purchase card and travel card reporting on fraud, waste, abuse, and misuse was complete and accurate. Travel Services Solutions (TSS Schedule 599) E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) Emergency … The end state is all Marines and Government Civilians use an Individually Billed Account (IBA) Government Travel Charge Card … Public Law 105-264. Please check revision currency … scottwpurdy . Defensetravel.dod.mil You have reached the end of the DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101) class. (2) DoD, on behalf of the travel card vendor, automatically collects payment from the cardholder's pay for any amount owed as a result of undisputed delinquencies. Official travel for the Department of Defense just became easier with the Citi Department of Defense Travel Card. There are no DTS … This class provides basic instruction on how to create travel documents (authorizations, vouchers, and local vouchers) in DTS. Match the travel card policies to their descriptions. Calculate the Price. (1) The travel card vendor receives direct payment for the amount of travel card expenses specified in the travel voucher. Chris_Jarrett9. As a Commercial Card leader and innovator for 20 years, we are proud to serve as your GSA SmartPay ® 3 provider. Defense Travel Management Office Revised February 2011 This document is controlled and maintained on the www.defensetravel.dod.mil Web site. (2) DoD, on behalf of the travel card vendor, automatically collects payment from the cardholder’s pay for any amount owed as a result of undisputed delinquencies. All travelers in DTS Hierarchy are required to complete the basic trainings at the DTS Training Page ⚠: How to Apply for a GTCC. (1) The travel card vendor receives direct payment for the amount of travel card expenses specified in the travel voucher. 6 terms. No other member of your family, office or Agency/ Organization is authorized to use it. Objective. Program and Policies Travel Card 101 . DTS Travel 101.