In some situations, that single phone call could even result in felony charges. The best way to learn just how much trouble making a fake or prank 911 call can land you in is by setting aside a few minutes to read California’s Penal Code 148.3. Extortion is a theft crime that often makes the headlines because it often involves celebrities, politicians or rich people. For example, under California’s penal code, obscene or threatening phone calls are considered a misdemeanor and are punishable by up to one year in jail, according to attorney Arnold Hernandez. However, if you start calling every ten minutes day after day, or make threatening remarks, then you may be violating the law. Furthermore, some states, like California, actually have specific laws making prank calls illegal. Disorderly Conduct. Is it illegal to “prank call” restaurants. There's a thin line between an obnoxious prank call and an illegal, harassing prank call. claiming your neighbor’s house is on fire so their home will be swarmed by firemen) can warrant a $1,000 fine, six months in jail, or both, while repeated non-emergency calls can lead to a $200 fine per call. For starters, it IS illegal to prank call on purpose, however, because it was an honest accident, and it only happened once, the chances of you really getting in trouble would be incredibly slim. However, the act of using a telephone for fraudulent, harassing, or threatening means is an illegal act that can be punishable from fines to jail time. In general, it may be unlawful to call someone late at night and say something stupid. Penal Code 653m PC is a California statute that prohibits phone calls, electronic messages or emails that are obscene, threatening or repeated, when done with the intent to harass or annoy the recipient. If the prank call incorporates obscenity, then the caller may be charged under ordinances that bar obscene phone calls. While Halloweeners still carry on the mantra of trick-or-treat, the classic pranks of TP'ing or egging a candy-less house are considered vandalism, and are illegal. (1) For a first violation, a written warning shall be issued to the violator by the public safety entity originally receiving the telephone call or the communication from an electronic device describing the punishment for subsequent violations. It is illegal to record a conversation without the other person’s consent, meaning that recording a phone call or private conversation may be illegal. 3. Prank calls that cause actual damage (calling Pizza Hut and ordering 10 pizzas for someone else who doesn't want them) are illegal in most states. The offense is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1000.00.. Penal Code 653m reads: “(a) Every person who, with intent to annoy, telephones or … In California, calling 911 to harass other people (e.g. There are a few exceptions to these rules which may allow you to perform the prank anyway, even if it involves harm or destruction of property. Vandalism. I’m in virginia, i called a restaurant and made a statement, then called back and asked if they want to take a survey. The nature, as well as the frequency of the prank call(s), is used as a barometer in determining the ultimate penalty. The extortion definition in California is the use of threats or force to compel someone to give you money or property. Talk to an attorney for guidance. These answers are based on California Law.Applicability of the legal principles discussed may differ substantially in individual situations. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. To put it simply, making fake or prank 911 calls is illegal.